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Herbology 3 - Class 01
Herbology Part 3
By: David Botton

Review and Formulas that Harmonize

Review of Eight Strategies

  1. Sweating/Diaphoresis (ban fa) - release esterior syndrome
  2. Vomiting/Emesis (tu fa) - eliminate phlegm accumulation
  3. Purging/Draining (xia fu) - purge heat, moisten intestines, warm yang to lead out accumulation, expel excess fluids, expel parasites
  4. Harmonize/Mediation (be fa) - expel pathogen and tonify zheng qi (righteous qi) in multiple organs, (shao yang, LR+SP, ST+Intestines)
  5. Warm/Calorification (wen fa) - Warm middle and dispel cold, rescue yang, warm channels dispel cold
  6. Clear heat/Cooling/Purification (qing fa) - Clear heat and/or cools
  7. Reducing/Eliminating (xiao fa) - Dissolve or eliminate over period of time
  8. Tonification/Supplementation (bu fa) - Restores, replenishes or enhances Qi, Blood, Yin/Yang, or fluids

See formula review below for formulas from previous classes (si ni san, xia yao san, etc)

Formulas that Harmonize Shao Yang

Xiao Chai Hu Tang - Minor Bupleurum Decoction

Chief: (6-12) Chai Hu - harmonize shao yang, spread LR qi

Deputy: (5-10) Huang Qin - drain heat from LR and GB

Assistant: (6-9) Ban xia - warm and transform phlegm/fluids

Assistant: (2-4) Sheng Jiang - harmonizes middle burner, direct rebellious qi down

Assistant: (9-12) Ren Shen - support normal qi, prevent deeper penetration

Assistant: (3-6) Gan Cao - support normal qi, prevent deeper penetration

Assistant: (4-6) Da Zao - support normal qi, prevent deeper penetration

[chai hu + huang qin = clear shao yang pattern]

[sheng jiang + da zao = regulate ying and wei qi]

[sheng jiang + ban xia = xiao ban xia tang =  stops nausea and vomittiing, descend rebellious qi]

T: thin and white, P: wiry

Harmonize Shao Yang (alternating chills, etc)

(Used even for one symptom)

(Also used for heat entering blood chamber in women, malaria and jaundice)

Da Chai Hu Tang - Major Bupleurum Decoction

= xiao chai hu tang (- ren shen - zhi shi) + da cheng qi tang (- hou po - mang xiao) + bai shao

Chief: (24) Chai Hu - harmonize shao yang, spread LR qi

Deputy: (9) Huang Qin - drain heat from LR and GB

Deputy: (6-9) Zhi Shi - move qi stagnation, reduce local distention

Deputy: (6) Da Huang - drain heat from GB and ST through Intestines

Assistant: (9) Bai Shao - soften LR, treat pain and distention in abdomen

Assistant: (6-9) Ban xia - warm and transform phlegm/fluids

Assistant: (2-4) Sheng Jiang - harmonizes middle burner, direct rebellious qi down

Assistant: (4-6) Da Zao - support normal qi, prevent deeper penetration, soften LR

[chai hu + huang qin = clear shao yang pattern]

[sheng jiang + da zao = regulate ying and wei qi]

[sheng jiang + ban xia = xiao ban xia tang =  stops nausea and vomittiing, descend rebellious qi]

T: yellow coat, P: wiry and forceful

Harmonize Shao Yang (alternating chills, etc)

Drains internal clumping due to heat (Yang Ming disorder)

Formulas that Harmonize LR and SP

Tong Xie Yao Fang - Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea

Chief: (6-9) Bai Zhu - tonify SP and dry damp

Chief: (9-12) Bai Shao Yao - soften LR, relieve pain

Deputy: (6-9) Chen Pi - harmonize ST/SP, drain damp

Assist./Enjoy: (6-9) Fang Feng - guide to LR/SP, relieve overacting LR on SP

T: thin and white, P: wiry

Spread LR Qi (softer LR, relieve pain), Tonify SP

Painful diarrhea

Formula Review

Chief = Red

Deputy = Blue

Assistant = Green

Envoy = Black

LR Qi Stagnation/LR and SP Disharmony - emotional problems/hypochondriac pain + digestive problems/distention

Si Ni San Warm fingers and toes

Qi Stagnation Preventing flow to limbs Expel evil (shao yin), Resolve Depression, Course LR, Rectify SP

(Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang = Shao Yao, Zhi Gan Cao) + Chai Hu + Zhi Shi

Xiao Yao San Relieve hypochondriac / abdomen pain + Fatigue/No Appetite + PMS/Menstrual Issues

Sp Qi Def + LR Qi Stagnation (+ Bl def) Supplement Qi, Nourish Blood, Resolve Depression, Course LR

Chai Hu + Dong Gui + Bai Shao + (Si Jun Zi Tang - Ren Shen = Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao) + Bo He + Wei Jiang

SP Qi Def - qi def = lassitude/fatigue, SP = no appetite / distention

Si Jun Zi Tang Relieve Fatigue

SP and ST Qi Def Tonifies Qi, Strengthens SP

Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao

Shen Ling Bai Zhu Stop Diarrhea or Drain Damp

Sp Qi Def + Internal Generated Damp Tonify Qi, Strengthens SP, Leach dampness, Stop Diarrhea

Si Jun Zi Tang + Shan Yao + Bai Bian Dou + Yi Yi Ren + Lian Zi + Sha Ren + Jie Geng

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Intermittent Fever, Tends to curl self up, Counter Prolapse

Sp Qi Def + Sinking Qi Tonify Qi of middle Jiao, Raise Yang Qi to Counter Prolapse

dang gui bu xue tang + si jun zi tang - fu ling + sheng ma + chai hu + chen pi

Blood Def- dizziness, blurred vision, pale lips and nails

Si Wu Tang Stop Dizziness, Blurred Vision, Irregular Menses

Blood Def. Tonifies blood, regulates LR

Shu Di Huang, Bai Shao, Dang Gui. Chuan Xiong

Dang Gui Shao Yao San Stop Abdominal Cramping, Reduce Foot Edema, Promote Urination

Blood Def + LV invading SP + Damp Ret Nourish LR Blood, Spread LR Qi, Strengthen SP, Resolve Damp

Si Wu Tang - Shu Di Huang + Bai Zhu + Fu Ling + Ze Xie

Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang Painful calf muscles and abdominal spasms

Stagnation in middle jiao Softens LR, Moderate painful spasms, Alleviates Pain

Shao Yao, Zhi Gan Cao

Qi and Blood Def- qi def = lassitude/fatigue, blood def = dizziness, blurred vision, pale lips and nails

Ba Zhen Tang fatigue and dizziness

Qi and Blood Def Supplement Qi, Nourish Blood

Si Jun Zi Tang + Si Wu Tang

Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Generates Blood lost from Qi def.

Qi and Blood Def Tonify Qi to generate blood

Huang Qi + Dang Gui (5:1)

Gui Pi Tang fatigue and dizziness + insomnia, calm mind, nourish heart

Qi and Blood Def Boost Qi, Supplement Blood, Fortify SP, Nourish HT, Quiet Spirit

Si Jun Zi Tang + Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang + Suan Zao Ren + Long Yan Rou + Mu Xiang + Zhi Yuan Zhi

Yin Def- def. heat = rapid thin pulse, heat in hands and chest, red cheeks, weak knees

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Tonify LV and KI Yin Def w/ or w/o Def. Heat

LR and KI Yin Def Tonify Yin, Nourish Blood, Boost Qi, Secure Essence

Shu Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Ze Xie, Mu Dan Pi, Fu Ling

Yang Def - cold limbs, edema, urination problems

Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan / Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Cold Limbs and Edema

KI Yang Def Tonify Yang,  Dispel Cold, Promote Urination

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan + Gui Zhi + Fu Zi

(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved - David Botton