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Point Location - Class 01
Acu Point Location Classes
By: David Botton

Meridians and Layers


Most Superficial

12 Cutaneous

12 Muscle

15 Collateral (Netorking/Connecting-luo + Du 1, Ren 15 and Sp 21)

12 Main Meridian

12 Divergent Meridian

8 Extra Ordinary Meridian



Each Limb can be divided like a pie in to three parts with each part having a (Inside) Yin and (Outside) Yang side.

6 yang Meridians

6 Yin Meridians

yang = open = hollow = thin = fu = connected to the outside of body = odd numbers

yin = closed = solid = thick = zang = inside of body only = even numbers

3 Hand Sections

Anterior Portion of the Arm

Inside Tai Yin - Lung (11 Points)

Outside Yang Ming - Large Intestine  (20 Points)

Middle Portion of the Arm

Inside Jue Yin - Pericardium (9 Points)

Outside Shao Yang - Sanjiao (23 Points)

Posterior Portion of the Arm

Inside Shao Yin - Heart (9 Points)

Outside Tai Yang - Small Intestine (18 Points)

3 Foot Sections

Anterior Portion of the Leg

Inside Tai Yin - Spleen (21 Points)

Outside Yang Ming - Stomach (45 Points)

Middle Portion of the Leg

Inside Jue Yin - Liver (14 Points)

Outside Shao Yang - Gall Bladder (44 Points)

Posterior Portion of the Leg

Inside Shao Yin - Kidney (27 Points)

Outside Tai Yang - Urinary Bladder (67 Points)


Hand: Inside -> Outside

[then] Foot: Outside -> Inside

[for each] Inner (Anterior) -> Outer -> Middle (Posterior)


Starting at 3 am, each stage is 2 hours. eg. 3am - 5am, 5am - 7am

Five Elements:

Each inner / outer stage combination is an element -

Metal, Earth, Fire, Water, Ministerial Fire, Wood


Metal   :- Hand Tai Yin (Lu) / 3am-5am   -> Hand Yang Ming (Li) / 5am-7am  ->


Earth   :- Foot Tai Yin (Sp) / 9am-11am <- Foot Yang Ming (St) / 7am-9am <-


Fire    :- Hand Shao Yin (Ht) / 11am-1pm -> Hand Tai Yang (Si) / 1pm-3pm   ->


Water   :- Foot Shao Yin (Lv) / 5pm-7pm <- Foot Tai Yang (Gb) / 3pm-5pm


M. Fire :- Hand Jue Yin (Pc) / 7pm-9pm   -> Hand Shao Yang (Sj) / 9pm-11pm ->


Wood    :- Foot Jue Yin (Ki) / 1am - 3am <- Foot Shao Yang (Ub) / 11pm-1am

(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved - David Botton