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Point Location - Point Locations
Acu Point Location Classes
By: David Botton

Summary of point locations of 14 main meridians

Hand Tai Yin Lung Channel

LU 1 - 1 cun below LU 2
LU 2 - in depression below clavical aprox. 6 cun from center at the top of the deltopectoral triangle
LU 3 - 3 cun below axilary fold in between heads of biceps
LU 4 - 4 cun below axilary fold
LU 5 - radial side of biceps tendon in crease
LU 6 - 7 cun from LU 9 on line between LU 5 and LU 9
LU 7 - aprox. 1.5 cun from wrist, betweem tendons on proximal side of styloid process of radius
LU 8 - 1 cun below LU 9
LU 9 - in radial side of wrist crease where the pulse is palpable
LU 10 - on the red and white border of the flesh at the mid point of the first metacarpal bone
LU 11 - .1 cun medial and posterior to the thumb nail

Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Channel

LI 1 - .1 cun medial and posterior to the pointer finger nail
LI 2 - distal to the metacarpal philangeal joint of the pointer finger
LI 3 - proximal to the metacarpal philangeal joint of the pointer finger
LI 4 - mid point of metacarpal of pointer finger on the high point of the muscle
LI 5- in the anatomical snuff box
LI 6 - 3 cun below LI 5
LI 7 - 5 cun below LI 5
LI 8 - 4 cun below LI 11 on line between LI 5 and LI 11
LI 9 - 3 cun below LI 11 on line between LI 5 and LI 11
LI 10 - 2 below LI 11 on line between LI 5 and LI 11
LI 11 - end of lat cubical crease when elbow fully flexed
LI 12 - 1 cun proximal and lateral to LI 11
LI 13 - 2 cun proximal to LI 11 on the line to LI 15
LI 14 - ~7 cun proximal to LI 11 on the line to LI 15 in the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle
LI 15 - the anterior depression in from the acromioclavicular joint when the arm is raised
LI 16 - in the depression formed by the acromion and scapular spine
LI 17 - anterior to the SCM 1 cun below LI 18
LI 18 - lat to the Adam's apple in the belly of the SCM (=3 cun lat)
LI 19 - lat side of nostril level with DU 26 (at top 1/3 of philtrum)
LI 20 - in nasolabial groove at level of midpoint of ala nasi

Foot Yang Ming Stomach Channel

ST 1 - between eyeball and orbital groove below pupil
ST 2 - in foreman below orbital groove
ST 3 - directly below pupil in line with bottom of ala nasi
ST 4 - .4 cun lat to corner of mouth
ST 5 - in depression anterior to masseter muscle on jaw
ST 6 - 1 fingerbreadth anterior to angle of jaw on prominence of masseter muscle
ST 7 - depression below zygomatic arch (prominance felt when mouth closed)
ST 8 - corner of hair line, .5 cun anterior (= 4.5 cun from DU 24)
ST 9 - anterior to SCM on pulse at level with top of Adam's apple (=1.5 cun lat)
ST 10 - anterior to SCM mid way between ST 9 and ST 11
ST 11 - at clavical between two heads of SCM
ST 12 - center of super clavical fossa (=4 cun)
ST 13 - below clavical 4 cun from mid line
ST 14 - 4 cun from mid line in 1 st intercostal space
ST 15 - 4 cun from mid line in 2 nd intercostal space
ST 16 - 4 cun from mid line in 3 rd intercostal space
ST 17 - 4 cun from mid line in 4 th intercostal space - on nipple
ST 18 - 4 cun from mid line in 5 th intercostal space
ST 19 - 6 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 20 - 5 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 21 - 4 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 22 - 3 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 23 - 2 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 24 - 1 cun above umbilicus 2 cun lateral
ST 25 - level with umbilicus (Ren 8) 2 cun lateral
ST 26 - 1 cun below umbilicus (Ren 7) 2 cun lateral
ST 27 - 2 cun below umbilicus (Ren 5)  2 cun lateral
ST 28 - 3 cun below umbilicus (Ren 4) 2 cun lateral
ST 29 - 4 cun below umbilicus (Ren 3) 2 cun lateral
ST 30 - 5 cun below umbilicus (Ren 2) 2 cun lateral level with top of pubis
ST 31 - on thigh at intersection of lines from ASIS and ST 30/Ren 2
ST 32 - 6 cun above lateral superior border of patella on line to ASIS
ST 33 - 3 cun above lateral superior border of patella on line to ASIS
ST 34 - 2 cun above lateral superior border of patella on line to ASIS
ST 35 - lateral to patellar tendon inferior to patella
ST 36 - 3 cun below ST 35 1 finger breadth lateral to lower border of tibial tuber.
ST 37 - 3 cun below ST 36 1 finger breadth lat to crest of tibia
ST 38 - mid-line of bottom of patella to prom. of lat. malleolus (=2 cun below ST 37) 1 cun lat to crest of tibia
ST 39 - 1 cun below ST 38, 1 finger breadth lat to crest of tibia
ST 40 - 1 finger breadth behind ST 38
ST 41 - level with lat malleolus in center top of foot crease between the tendons
ST 42 - 1.5 cun distal to ST 41 on line to ST 44
ST 43 - 1 cun proximal to ST 44
ST 44 - .5 cun proximal to web margin between second and third toe
ST 45 - .1 cun lat and inferior to border of second toe nail

Foot Tai Yin Spleen Channel

SP 1 - .1 cun med and inferior to border of big toe nail
SP 2 - distal side of first metatarso-philangeal joint between red and white skin
SP 3 - proximal side of first metatarso-philangeal joint between red and white skin
SP 4 - distal side of first tarsal bone between red and white skin
SP 5 - depression distal inferior to medial malleolus (depression inferior to K6)
SP 6 - 3 cun above prominence of the medial malleolus next to crest of tibia
SP 7 - 3 cun above SP 6 next to crest of tibia
SP 8 - 1 cun below SP 9 next to crest of tibia
SP 9 - in depression formed by medial condyle of tibia and the tibias posterior border
SP 10 - 2 cun above lat. superior border of patella
SP 11 - 6 cun above SP 10 in line to SP 12
SP 12 - 3.5 cun lat to superior border of pubis (Ren 2)
SP 13 - .7 cun above SP 12, 4 cun lat to mid line
SP 14 - 1.3 cun below umbilicus, 4 cun lat to mid line
SP 15 - 4 cun lat to umbilicus
SP 16 - 3 cun above umbilicus, 4 cun lat to mid line
SP 17 - 6 cun from mid line in 5th intercostal space
SP 18 - 6 cun from mid line in 4th intercostal space
SP 19 - 6 cun from mid line in 3rd intercostal space
SP 20 - 6 cun from mid line in 2nd intercostal space (1 cun below LU 1)
SP 21 - below HT 1 in 6 or 7th intercostal space (~2 cun below GB 22 = 5 cun from axillary fold)

Hand Shao Yin Heart Channel

HT 1 - center of axilla when had raised
HT 2 - 3 cun proximal to HT 3
HT 3 - end of the medial cubital crease when elbow fully flexed
HT 4 - 1.5 cun below HT 7
HT 5 - 1 cun below HT 7
HT 6 - .5 cun below HT 7
HT 7 - on lateral side of wrist crease radial to tendon
HT 8 - where tip of little finger rests when a fist is made
HT 9 - .1 cun medial and inferior to border of pinky nail

Hand Tai Yang Small Intestine Channel

SI 1 - .1 cun lat and inferior to border of pinky nail
SI 2 - distal side of the fifth metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SI 3 - proximal side of the fifth metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SI 4 - proximal to fifth metacarpal bone
SI 5 - ulnar border of wrist
SI 6 - in cleft radial to to high point of styloid process of ulna
SI 7 - 5 cun above SI 5 on line to SI 8
SI 8 - In depression between tip of olecranon process and prominence of the medial epicondyle
SI 9 - 1 cun above posterior axilary crease with arm hanging
SI 10 - slide finger directly up from SI 9 until it falls in to depression below scapular spine
SI 11 - form equilateral triangle with SI 9 and SI 10 as base and SI 11 as lateral tip (=1 cun directly below mid scap. spine)
SI 12 - superior side of scapular spine directly above SI 11
SI 13 - mid point betweem SI 10 and T2
SI 14 - 3 cun from T1
SI 15 - 2 cun from C7
SI 16 - anterior to SCM anterior to mid point of Adam's apple (anterior to LI 18)
SI 17 - mid point between angle of jaw and anterior side of SCM
SI 18 - below zygomatic bone directly below outer canthus
SI 19 - depression posterior to tragus

Foot Tai Yang Bladder Channel

UB 1 - .1 medial and superior to inner canthus of eye
UB 2 - medial end of eyebrow
UB 3 - .5 cun above hair line directly above UB 2
UB 4 - .5 cun above hair line 1.5 cun lateral to UB 3
UB 5 - .5 cun above UB 4
UB 6 - 1.5 cun above UB 5
UB 7 - 1.5 cun above UB 6
UB 8 - 1.5 cun above UB 7 (.5 above and 1.5 lat to DU 20)
UB 9 - 1.3 cun lat to midline directly above occipital protuberance (DU 17)
UB 10 - 1.3 cun lat to midline below C1 (DU 15 = .5 cun below nape/DU 16)
UB 11 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T1
UB 12 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T2
UB 13 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T3
UB 14 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T4
UB 15 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T5
UB 16 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T6
UB 17 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T7
UB 18 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T9
UB 19 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T10
UB 20 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T11
UB 21 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T12
UB 22 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L1
UB 23 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L2
UB 24 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L3
UB 25 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L4
UB 26 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L5
UB 27 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of foramen of S1
UB 28 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of foramen of S2
UB 29 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of foramen of S3
UB 30 - 1.5 cun lat to lower border of foramen of S4
UB 31 - over foreman of S1
UB 32 - over foreman of S2
UB 33 - over foreman of S3
UB 34 - over foreman of S4
UB 35 - .5 cun lat. to tip of coccyx
UB 36 - in the gluteal crease in a direct line superior to UB 40
UB 37 - 6 cun below UB 36 in a direct line to UB 40
UB 38 - 1 cun above UB 39
UB 39 - lateral to UB 40 in the depression
UB 40 - center of back of knee
UB 41 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T2
UB 42 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T3
UB 43 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T4
UB 44 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T5
UB 45 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T6
UB 46 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T7
UB 47 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T9
UB 48 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T10
UB 49 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T11
UB 50 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of T12
UB 51 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L1
UB 52 - 3 cun lat to lower border of spinous process of L2
UB 53 - 3 cun lat to lower border of foramen of S2
UB 54 - 3 cun lat to sacro-coccygeal hiatus
UB 55 - 2 cun directly below UB 40
UB 56 - 3 cun below UB 55
UB 57 - 3 cun below UB 56
UB 58 - 1 cun lateral and proximal to UB 57 (7 cun directly superior to UB 60)
UB 59 - 3 cun above UB 60
UB 60 - posterior to lateral malleolus
UB 61 - on depression in center of calcaneum
UB 62 - in depression directly inferior to lateral malleolus
UB 63 - proximal to 5th metatarsal tuberosity
UB 64 - distal to 5th metatarsal tuberosity
UB 65 - proximal to the 5th metatarso-phalangeal joint
UB 66 - distal to the 5th metatarso-phalangeal joint
UB 67 - .1 cun lat and inferior to border of pinky toe nail

Foot Shao Yin Kidney Channel

K 1 - 1/3 distance below the base between the second and third toe
K 2 - inferior to navicular tuberosity (proximal to SP4)
K 3 - posterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus
K 4 - .5 cun below K3 on the anterior border of the Achillies tendon
K 5 - 1 cun below K3
K 6 - in the depression below the medial malleolus
K 7 - 2 cun above K3 on the anterior border of the Achillies tendon
K 8 - anterior to K7 on the posterior border of the tibia
K 9 - 5 cun directly above K3
K 10 - medial end of the popliteal crease between the tendons
K 11 - .5 cun lat. midline at level of upper border of pubis (Ren 2) (= 5 cun below umbilicus)
K 12 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 4 cun below umbilicus
K 13 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 3 cun below umbilicus
K 14 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 2 cun below umbilicus
K 15 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 1 cun below umbilicus
K 16 - .5 cun lateral to umbilicus
K 17 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 2 cun above umbilicus
K 18 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 3 cun above umbilicus
K 19 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 4 cun above umbilicus
K 20 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 5 cun above umbilicus
K 21 - .5 cun lat. umbilicus, 6 cun above umbilicus
K 22 - 2 cun from mid line in 5th intercostal space
K 23 - 2 cun from mid line in 4th intercostal space
K 24 - 2 cun from mid line in 3rd intercostal space
K 25 - 2 cun from mid line in 2nd intercostal space
K 26 - 2 cun from mid line in 1st intercostal space
K 27 - 2 cun from mid line in depression below clavical

Hand Jue Yin Pericarium Channel

PC 1 - 1 cun lateral to nipple
PC 2 - 2 cun below anterior axilary fold between head of biceps
PC 3 - in cubital crease on ulnar side of tendon
PC 4 - 4 cun directly above PC 7
PC 5 - 3 cun directly  above PC 7
PC 6 - 2 cun directly above PC 7
PC 7 - at wrist between two middle tendons
PC 8 - where the middle finger rests when making a fist
PC 9 - tip of the middle finger

Hand Shao Yang San Jiao Channel

SJ 1 - .1 cun lat and inferior to border of ring finger nail
SJ 2 - .5 cun above the web between the pinky and ring finger
SJ 3 - in the depression proximal to SJ 2 and the joints
SJ 4 - in depression on wrist join in line behind SJ 3
SJ 5 - 2 cun above SJ 4
SJ 6 - 3 cun above SJ 4 on bordering on radius
SJ 7 - 3 cun above SJ 4 on bordering on ulna
SJ 8 - 1 cun above SJ 6
SJ 9 - 7 cun above SJ 4
SJ 10 - 1 cun behind the olecranon in a line to SJ 14
SJ 11 - 2 cun behind the olecranon in a line to SJ 14
SJ 12 - 3 cun above SJ 11 in a line to SJ 14
SJ 13 - 3 cun above SJ 12 in a line to SJ 14 = posterior border of deltoid
SJ 14 - posterior inferior depression to the acromion when the arm is lifted
SJ 15 - 1.3 cun below GB 21 = 1/2 distance from GB 21 to SI 13 
SJ 16 - 1 cun below GB 12 anterior to SCM
SJ 17 - in the depression at lower base of ear
SJ 18 - 1/3 distance around to SJ 20
SJ 19 - 1/3 distance around to SJ 20
SJ 20 - on head directly behind apex of ear
SJ 21 - above SI 19 anterior to tragus
SJ 22 - .5 cun anterior to top root of ear
SJ 23 - on the lateral border of the eyebrow

Foot Shao Yang Gall Bladder Channel

GB 1 - .5 cun lateral to the outer canthus
GB 2 - below SI 19 anterior to tragus
GB 3 - in the hollow above ST 7
GB 4 - 1/4 distance below ST 8 in the line to GB 7
GB 5 - 2/4 distance below ST 8 in the line to GB 7
GB 6 - 3/4 distance below ST 8 in the line to GB 7
GB 7 - one finger breadth anterior to SJ 20
GB 8 - one cun above SJ 20
GB 9 - .5 cun posterior to GB 8
GB 10 - 1/3 the distance from GP 9 to GB 12
GB 11 - 2/3 the distance from GP 9 to GB 12
GB 12 - posterior and inferior to mastoid process
GB 13 - 1/3 distance from ST 8 to DU 24, .5 cun anterior to hair line
GB 14 - 1 cun above the eyebrow directly superior to pupil
GB 15 - .5 cun anterior to the hairline directly above GB 14
GB 16 - 1.5 cun above GB 15
GB 17 - 1.5 cun above GB 16
GB 18 - 1.5 cun above GB 17
GB 19 - superior to the occipital ridge (DU 17) in line with GB 20
GB 20 - bellow the occiput level with DU 16 in the depression about mid way from DU 16 to GB 12
GB 21 - highest point of trapezius on shoulder
GB 22 - 3 cun directly below HT 1 on level with nipple
GB 23 - 1 cun anterior to GB 22
GB 24 - 4 cun from mid line in 7th intercostal space
GB 25 - free end of 12th rib
GB 26 - bellow free end of 11th rib (LR 13) at level of umbilicus
GB 27 - depression anterior to ASIS
GB 28 - .5 cun anterior and inferior to GB 27
GB 29 - mid point between ASIS and prominence of trochanter
GB 30 - 1/3 distance from prominence of trochanter to sacro-coccygeal hiatus
GB 31 - where the tip of the middle finger lies on side of leg / 7 cun superior to lateral popliteal
GB 32 - 2 cun below GB 31
GB 33 - 3 cun above GB 34 in the depression of the lateral epicondyle of femur
GB 34 - 1 cun anterior and inferior to head of fibula
GB 35 - 7 cun superior to lat. malleolus, posterior to fibula
GB 36 - 7 cun superior to lat. malleolus, anterior to fibula
GB 37 - 5 cun superior to lat. malleolus
GB 38 - 4 cun superior to lat. malleolus
GB 39 - 3 cun superior to lat. malleolus
GB 40 - depression anterior and inferior to lat. malleolus
GB 41 - anterior to tendon between fourth and fifth toes
GB 42 - posterior to tendon between fourth and fifth toes
GB 43 - .5 cun from the web between the fourth and fifth toes
GB 44 - .1 cun lat and inferior to nail of the fourth toe

Foot Jue Yin Liver Channel

LR 1 - .1 cun medial and inferior to nail of the big toe
LR 2 - .5 cun above the web between the big and second toe
LR 3 - hollow distal junction between first and second metatarsals
LR 4 - anterior to prominence of the medial malleolus
LR 5 - 5 cun above medial malleolus posterior to medial crest
LR 6 - 7 cun above medial malleolus posterior to medial crest
LR 7 - 1 cun posterior to SP 9
LR 8 - between the two tendons drawing down from the middle of the patella
LR 9 - 4 cun above LR 8 (above 2 cun above patella)
LR 10 - 3 cun directly below ST 30 but on thigh
LR 11 - 2 cun directly below ST 30 but on thigh
LR 12 - 1 cun below Ren 2 level and 2.5 cun from mid line
LR 13 - anterior and inferior to 11th free rib
LR 14 - 4 cun from mid line in 6th intercostal space

Ren Channel

all points on front mid-line

Ren 1 - mid point of perineum
Ren 2 - 5 cun below umbilicus
Ren 3 - 4 cun below umbilicus
Ren 4 - 3 cun below umbilicus
Ren 5 - 2 cun below umbilicus
Ren 6 - 1.5 cun below umbilicus
Ren 7 - 1 cun below umbilicus
Ren 8 - umbilicus
Ren 9 - 1 cun above umbilicus
Ren 10 - 2 cun above umbilicus
Ren 11 - 3 cun above umbilicus
Ren 12 - 4 cun above umbilicus
Ren 13 - 5 cun above umbilicus
Ren 14 - 6 cun above umbilicus
Ren 15 - 7 cun above umbilicus
Ren 16 - at sternocostal angle
Ren 17 - level with nipples
Ren 18 - level with 3rd intercostal space
Ren 19 - level with 2nd intercostal space
Ren 20 - level with 1st intercostal space
Ren 21 - mid point between Ren 20 and Ren 22
Ren 22 - .5 cun superior to suprasternal notch
Ren 23 - depression above hyoid
Ren 24 - center of mentolabial groove

Du Channel

all points on mid-line of back, below spinus processes

Du 1 - between anus and tip of coccyx
Du 2 - in the sacro-coccygeal hiatus
Du 3 - L4
Du 4 - L2
Du 5 - L1
Du 6 - T11
Du 7 - T10
Du 8 - T9
Du 9 - T7
Du 10 - T6
Du 11 - T5
Du 12 - T3
Du 13 - T1
Du 14 - C7
Du 15 - .5 below Du 16
Du 16 - at nape
Du 17 - above occipital groove / 1.5 cun above Du 16
Du 18 - 1.5 cun above Du 17
Du 19 - 1.5 cun above Du 18
Du 20 - 1.5 cun above Du 19 / vertex
Du 21 - 1.5 cun above Du 20
Du 22 - 2 cun from hair line  / 1.5 cun above Du 21
Du 23 - 1 cun from hair line
Du 24 - .4 cun from hair line
Du 25 - Tip of nose
Du 26 - 1/3 way down philtrum

(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved - David Botton