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Herbology Part 3 |
see previous notes for formula review Formulas that Harmonize LR and SP Tong Xie Yao Fang - Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea Chief: (6-9) Chao Bai Zhu - tonify SP and dry damp Chief: (9-12) Chao Bai Shao Yao - soften LR, relieve pain Deputy: (6-9) Chao Chen Pi - harmonize ST/SP, drain damp Assist./Enjoy: (6-9) Fang Feng - guide to LR/SP, relieve overacting LR on SP T: thin and white, P: wiry Spread LR Qi (softer LR, relieve pain), Tonify SP Painful diarrhea (1. abdominal pain, 2. urgent feeling to go, 3. feels relief, 4. recurrent over long period of time) Formulas that Harmonize LR and SP Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang - Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium modified xiao chai hu tang Chief: (6-9) Ban Xia - disperses clumps, stops vomiting Deputy: (6-9) Huang Qin - drain heat Deputy: (3-6) Gan Jiang - expel cold Deputy: (3-6) Huang Lian - drain heat Assistant: (6-12) Ren Shen - benefit middle Assistant: (3-6) Gan Cao - benefit middle Envoy: (4pc) Da Zao - benefit middle and harmonize herbs stomach qi disharmony + cold and heat complex / excess and def. (improper purging was done) Harmonize the ST Direct rebellious Qi down Disperse clumping Eliminate focal distention Herbs that Tonify Qi ren shen - Radix Panacis Ginsengis Sweet, ~bitter, ~warm SP, LU, HT Strongly tonifies the yuan Qi, rescue collapse Tonifies SP, LU, augments Qi Generates fluids (yin), relieves thirst Calms the mind and strengthens the intellect (tonify HT Qi) (stabilizes exterior and stop sweating) (positive affect on wasting-thirsting disorder) 3-9g, 15-30g for collapse dang shen - Radix Codonopsis sweet, neutral SP, LU Tonifies SP, augments Qi Tonifies LU Qi Generates fluids, nourishes blood (Def. combined with excess, combine with expelling herbs) 6-9g, if substituding or ren shen x2-3 Tai Zi Shen - Radix Pseudostellariae sweet, slightly bitter, neutral LU, SP Tonifies Qi Tonifies Lung Promotes Generation of Body Fluids and Treats Chronic Febrile Disorder (qi+yin def + palpitations, thirst, insomnia) 10-30g huang qi - Radix Astragali Sweet, ~warm SP, LU Tonifies Sp, augments Qi Raises Yang to counter prolapse Strengthens wei Qi, braces exterior Promotes urination, reduces water accumulation Dispels toxins, drains pus, regenerates tissue 10-30g, 30-60g for severe cases shan yao - Radix Dioscoreae oppositae sweet, neutral SP, LU, KI Tonifies SP, augments Qi Tonifies LU Qi and Yin Braces KI, secures sperm, stops discharge Nourishes Yin, relieves thirst 10-30g, up to 250g for wasting-thirst da zao - Fructus Jujubae sweet, warm SP, ST Tonifies SP and ST, benefits Qi Tonifies Blood Calms the Shen Hamonize other herbs 3-12pcs / 10-30g gan cao - Radix Glycyrrhizae sweet, neutral (warm if Zhi Gan Cao) 12 Channels Tonifies SP, augments Qi Moistens LU, stops cough Clears heat, dispels toxin Calms spams, relieves pain Moderates and harmonize herbs 2-10g huang jing - Rhizoma Polygonati Sweet, neutral SP, LU, KD Nourishes yin, moistens LU Tonifies KI Jing Relieves Wasting Thirsting (Xiao Ke) Tonify SP and benefits Qi 10-15g yi tang - Saccharum Granorum Sweet, warm SP, ST, LU Tonifies SP, benefits Qi Relieves pain Moistens LU, relieves cough Coats foreign objects (fish bones in throat, etc.) 30-60g Herbs that Tonify Blood shu di huang - Radix Rehmanniae praeparata Sweet, warm KD, LR, HT Nourishes the blood, regulates menses Nourishes the yin, replenishes essence 15-30g he shou wu - Radix Polygoni Multiflori Sweet, bitter, astringent, slightly warm KD, LR Replenishes Jing and nourishes Blood of LR and KD Eliminates Toxins Treats malarial disorders Moistens intestines and unblocks bowels Lower cholesterol, treats cardiovascular disorders 10-30g dang gui - Radix Angelicae sinensis Sweet, pungent, warm LR, HT, SP Nourishes the blood, regulates menses Invigorates/harmonizes blood Dispels cold and relieves abdominal pain Moistens the intestines and opens the bowels Reduces swelling, drains pus and regenerates tissue 5-15g bai shao yao - Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae sour, bitter, cool LR, SP Nourishes the blood, regulates menses Soothes/softens and clams liver, relieves pain Astringes yin, stops sweating and discharge Adjust ying and wei Qi 6-15g e jiao - Gelatinum corii Equi asini Sweet, neutral LR, LU, KI Nourishes the blood, stops bleeding Nourishes yin, moistens LU, relives dryness 5-15g gou qi zi - Fructus Lycii Sweet, neutral LR, KI, LU Nourishes blood and essence, improves vision Tonifies LR and KI Moistens LU, relieves cough 5-10g sang shen zi - Fructus Mori Sweet, cold HT, LR, KD Tonifies Yin, nourishes blood Generate body fluid Lubricate dryness 10-15g long yan rou - Arillus Longan Sweet, warm HT, SP Tonifies HT and SP Benefits Qi and Blood 10-15g Herbs that Tonify Yang lu rong - Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum Sweet, salty, warm KD, LR Tonifies KD Yang, replenish KD Jing Nourish Blood, Ren and Chong Strenghten Sinews and Bones 1-2g ge jie - Gecko Salty, neutral LU, KD Tonifies LU Qi, relieves couph and dyspnea Tonifies KD Yang, Jing and augments blood 3-7g dong chong xia cao - Cordyceps sinensis Sweet, warm LU, KD Tonifies KD Yang, augment Jing Tonifies LU, stops bleeding and dissolves phlegm 5-10g rou cong rong - Herba Cistanches Sweet, salty, warm KD, LI Tonifies KD Yang, Jing and Blood Moistens LI, facilitates passage of stools 10-20g suo yang - Herba Cynomorii Sweet, warm LR, KD, LI Tonifies KD Yang Lubricates Intestines and Promotes Bowel Movement 10-15g yin yang huo - Herba Epimedii Acrid, sweet, warm KD, LR Tonifies KD, strengthens Yang and increases libido Dispels wind-damp-cold, alleviates Bi Zheng (painful obstruction) 10-15g ba ji tian - Radix Morindae Officinalis Acrid, sweet, ~warm KD Tonifies KD Yang and assists Yang Strengthens sinews and bones, treats Bi Zheng (painful obstruction) 10-15g hu lu ba - Semen Trigonellae Bitter, warm KD, LR Warms KD Yang Dispels damp-cold, relieves pain 3-10g hu tao ren - Semen Juglandis Sweet, warm KD, LU, LI Tonifies KD, replenishes Jing Warms LU, arrests wheezing Moistens the Intestines, Unblocks bowels 10-30g bu gu zhi - Fructus Psoraleae Bitter, acrid, very warm KD, SP Tonifies KD, fortifies Yang, consolidates Jing and retains urine Warms the SP, stops diarrhea 5-10g yi zhi ren - Fructus Alpiniae oxyphyllae Acrid, warm KD, SP Warms SP, increases appetite, stops excessive salivation and diarrhea Warms KD, consolidates fluid 3-10g xian mao - Rhizoma Curculiginis Acrid, hot KD toxic Warms KD, fortifies Yang Dispels cold and damp, treats Bi Zheng 3-10g du zhong - Cortex Eucommiae Sweet, warm KD, LR Tonifies LR and KD, Strengthens bones and sinews Calms the fetus Tonifies KD Yang 10-15g gou ji xu duan - Radix Dipsaci Bitter, sweet, acrid, slightly warm LR, KD Tonifies LR and KD Calms fetus, stops uterine bleeding Invigorates blood circulation, Strengthens tendons and bones 10-20g gu sui bu - Rhizoma Drynariae Bitter, warm LR, KD Tonifies KD, Strengthens the bones Tonifies KD, benefits the ears Promotes mending of bones, relieves pain 10-20g tu si zi - Semen Cuscutae Acrid, sweet, neutral LR, KD Tonifies KD Yin and Yang Consolidates KD Jing, Reserves Urine Brightens the Eyes Stops Diarrhea Treats Xiao Ke (wasting and thirsting) syndrome 10-15g sha yuan ji li - Semen Astragali Complanati Sweet, warm KD, LR Tonifies KD Yin, consolidates Jing Nourishes LR, brightens the eyes 10-20g zi he che - Placenta Hominis Sweet, salty, warm KD, LR Replenishes Jing Nourishes blood Benefits Lung Qi 1.5-3g jiu cai zi - Semen Allii Tuberosi Acrid, sweet, warm LR, KD Tonifies LR and KD, fortifies Yang, consolidates Jing Warms ST, treats chronic ST Qi reversal 5-15g | |
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