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Orthopedic Testing Videos
Videos of how to perform various batteries of Orthopedic Tests
By: Dr. Benedetto

Ankle.mp4Tests of the Ankle (2.5mb QuickTime File)
Elbow.mp4Tests of the Elbow (5mb QuickTime File)
Hip.mp4Tests of the hip (13.2mb QuickTime File)
Knee.mp4Tests of the Knee (4.6mb QuickTime File)
Lower_Back_1.mp4Tests of the lower back part 1 (11.5mb QuickTime File)
Lower_Back_2.mp4Tests of the Lower Back Part 2 (26.8mb QuickTime File)
Neck.mp4Tests of the Neck (14.4mb QuickTime File)
Wrist.mp4Tests of the Wrist (3.6mb QuickTime File)
QuickTimeLink to Apple's QuickTime - If you have iTunes you have QuickTime

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