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Herbology 3 - Class 06
Herbology Part 3
By: David Botton

Formulas that Treat Dryness

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Formulas that Treat Dryness

Xing Su San - Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder

Chief: (6) Xing Ren - disseminate LU Qi, stop cough

Chief: (6) Zi Su Ye - release exterior cold

Deputy: (6) Qian Hu - direct Qi down, release exterior

Deputy: (6) Jie Geng - descend LU Qi, stop cough

Deputy: (6) Zhi Ke - move chest Qi, stop cough

Assistant: (6) Chen Pi - regulate Qi of middle jiao, expel phlegm

Assistant: (6) Fu Ling - regulate Qi of middle jiao, expel phlegm

Assistant: (6) Ban Xia - regulate Qi of middle jiao, expel phlegm

Envoy: (6) Sheng Jiang - regulate ying and wei Qi, harmonize

Envoy: (2pc) Da Zao - regulate ying and wei Qi, harmonize

Envoy: (3) Gan Cao - regulate ying and wei Qi, harmonize

external-cold-dryness, interering with descent of LU Qi

Gently disperse cool-dryness, disseminates LU Qi, transforms congested fluids

Sang Xing Tang - Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction

Chief: (3) Sang Ye - clear dryness from upper burner

Deputy: (3) Zhi Zi - release constrained heat

Deputy: (3) Dan Dou Chi - release constrained heat

Chief: (4.5) Xing Ren - descend LU Qi

Deputy: (3) Zhe Bei Mu - cools and transforms stagnation

Assistant: (6) Sha Shen - nourish yin, clear heat

Assistant: (3) Li Pi - nourish yin, clear heat

warm-dryness injuiring Lu Qi

Clears and disperses warm-dryness

Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang - Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction

Chief: (9) Sang Ye - clears and disperses dryness

Chief: (7.5) Shi Gao - clears heat from LU and ST, relieve thirst

Deputy: (3.6) Mai Men Dong - moisten LU, nourish LU yin

Deputy: (2.4) E Jiao - moisten LU, nourish LU yin

Deputy: (3) Hei Zhi Ma - moisten LU, nourish LU yin

Assistant: (2.1) Xing Ren - descend LU Qi, moisten LU

Assistant: (3) Mi Zhi Pi Pa Ye - descend LU Qi, moisten LU

Assistant: (2.1) Ren Shen - augment Qi, supplement middle

Assistant: (3) Gan Cao - augment Qi, supplement middle

warm-dryness attacking LU and causing LU Qi Rebellion

clear dryness and moisten LU

Bai He Gu Jin Tang - Lilly Bulb Preserve Metal Decoction

Chief: (3) Bai He - moisten and nourish LU dryness

Chief: (6) Sheng Di Huang - enrich yin, tonify KD, cool blood

Chief: (9) Shu Di Huang - tonify LR & KD Yin

Deputy: (4.5) Mai Men Dong - tonify yin of upper jiao

Deputy: (2.4) Xuan Shen - ascend KD water to LU

Assistant: (3) Chuan Bei Mu - moisten LU, transphorm phlegm, stop cough 

Assistant: (2.4) Jie Geng - move LU Qi, stop cough

Assistant: (3) Dang Gui - nourish blood, support yin

Assistant: (3) Bai Shao - nourish blood, support yin

Envoy: (3) Gan Cao - harmonize

Internal dryness of LU from LU and KD yin def

Nourish Yin, moisten LU, transform phlegm, stop cough

Mai Men Dong Tang - Ophiopogonis Decoction

Chief: (15-18) Mai Men Dong - clears def heat from ST, generate fluid in ST and LU

Deputy: (6) Ren Shen - augment Qi, generate fluid, revive Qi and Yin

Assistant: (12pc) Da Zao - assist ST Qi, generate fluid

Assistant: (6) Gan Cao - assist ST Qi, generate fluid

Assistant: (4.5-9g) Ban Xia - facilitate flow of ST Qi, direct Qi downward

(9-15) Geng Mi

LU Wei syndrome

Benefit the ST, generate fluids, direct rebellious Qi downward

Zeng Ye Tang - Increase the Fluids Decoction

Chief: (30) Xuan Shen - nourish Yin, generate fluids, moisten dry

Deputy: (24) Mai Men Dang - enrich and moisten yin

Deputy: (24) Sheng Di Huang - nourish Yin, clear heat

Dry intestines due to injury to fluids

Generates fluids, moistens dryness, unblock bowels

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