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Acupuncture Needling Techniques - Class 10
Detailed instructions on the use of Acupuncture needles and Moxibustion techniques
By: David Botton

Electrical Stimulation

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Class 10 - Electrical Stimulation



Unblock meridian

Balance yin and yang

Promote circulation of Qi and Blood

Stimulate nervous system (for Wei Syndromes)


Do not use on patients with a pace maker

Do not use silver needles

Needle should be .22mm or thicker and of slightly longer length

Do not apply electric over an area with embedded metal implants

Do not have leads cross the chest

Avoid having leads cross spinal column above L2

Do not stimulate the nerve directly with electric

Avoid on epileptics


Only use periodically, continuous use can damage nerves

Can cause muscle spasms

(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved - David Botton