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Herbology 5 - Formula Review
Herbology Part 5
By: David Botton

1. Extinguish Wind 2. Open Orifices 3. Transform Phlegm 4. Food Stagnation 5. Parasites

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Formulas that Release Wind From the Skin and Channels
Xiao Feng San weepy, itchy, red skin lesions over body
wind-heat/damp + damp-heat disperse wind, eliminate damp, clear heat, cool blood
Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Niu Bang Zi, Chan Tui, Cang Zhu, Ku Shen, Mu tong, Shi Gao, Zhi Mu,
Sheng Di Huang, Dang Gui, Hei Zhi Ma, Gan Cao
Xiao Huo Luo Dan chronic pain, weakness/numbness (lower) from windstroke
wind strk->damp,phlegm,blood obs. chan. invigorate blood, unblock collaterals, dispel damp, transform phelgm
zhi cao wu, zhi chuan wu, tian nan xing, mo yao, ru xiang, di long
Qian Zheng San sudden facial paralysis, deviation of eye/mouth/facial twitch
wind strk->head/face spasms dispels wind, transforms phlegm, stop spasms
bai fu zi, jiang cao, quan xie
Formulas that Extinguish Internal Wind
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang severe dizziness, vertigo, sudden loss of consc. / paralysis (face)
LR/KD yid def -> LR Yang rising w/ wind sedate LR, extinguish wind, nourish yin, anchor yang
Huai Niu Xi, Zhe Shi, Long Gu, Gui Ban, Xuan Shen, Tian Men Dong, Bai Shao Yin Chen Hao, Chuan Lian Zi, Mai Ya, Gan Cao
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang persistent high fever, irritabilitiy, restlessness, dizziness/spasms
excess heat in LR channel -> wind cools LR, extinguish wind, increase fluids, relax sinews
Ling Yang Jiao, Gou Teng, Sang Ye, Ju Hua, Bai Shao, Sheng Di Huang, Chuan Bei Mu, Zhu Ru, Fu Shen, Gan Cao
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin headache, dizziness/vertigo, blurred vision, heat rush to head, insomnia
LR yang rising w/ internal wind calms LR, extinguish wind, clear heat, invigorate blood, tonify LR/KD
Tian Ma, Gou Teng, Shi Jue Ming, Zhi Zi, Huang Qin, Yi Mu Cao, Chuan Niu Xi, Du Zhong, Sang Ji Sheng, Ya Jiao Teng Fu Shen
Formulas that Clear Heat and Open Orifices
high fever, irritability/restlessness, delirious speech, unconsciousness
An Gong Niu Huang Wan high fever, irritability/restlessness, delirious speech, unconsciousness
warm febrile -> PC w/ turbid phlegm in orf. clear heat, relieve toxicity, dislodges phlegm, open orifices, calm spirit
Niu Huang, Xi Jiao, She Xiang, Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Zhi Zi, Xiong Huang, Bing Piang, Yu Jin, Zhu Sha, Zhen Zhu
Zi Xue Dan + copious sputum w/ raspy breathing / LR Wind present
heat -> PC -> dist. spirit -> LR wind control spasms, open orifices, clear heat, relieve toxicity, calm spirit
Shi Gao, Han Shui Shi, Hua Shi, Xi Jiao, Ling Yang Jiao, She Xiang, Xuan Shen, Ci Shi, Sheng Ma, Zhi Gan Cao, Qing Mu Xiang,
Chen Xiang, Ding Xiang, Zhu Sha, Mang Xiao, Xiao shi, Huang Jin
Formulas that Warm and Open Orifices
Su He Xiang Wan 1. sudden collapes 2. fulle cold in chest 3. abdominal pain / focal dist. in chest
acute closed disorder due to phlegm warm aromatic open of orifices, move qi, transform turbidity
Su He Xiang, She Xiang, Bing Pian, An Xi Xiang, Mu Xiang, Tan Xiang, Chen Xiang, Ru Xiang, Ding Xiang, Xiang Fu,
Bi Ba, Xi Jiao, Zhu sha, Bai Zhu, He Zi
Formulas that Scour Phlegm and Open Orifices
Di Tan Tang stiffness of tongue, speech impairment
excess phlegm obstruction scour out phlegm, open orifices, tonify Qi
Ban Xia, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Zhi Shi, Zhu Ru, Dan Nan Xing, Shi Chang Pu, Ren Shen, Gan Cao
Gu Tan Wan mania-withdrawl, palpitations w/ anxiety, thick phlegm
excess heat + phlegm drain fire, drive out phlegm
Duan Meng Shi, Da Huang, Huang Qin, Chen Xiang
Formulas that Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
Er Chen Tang coughing copious white mucus, focal distention/stifling in chest, palpitations, nausea
damp Phlegm from Sp Qi Def. dries damp, transforms phlegm, regulate Qi, harmonize middle jiao
Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang, We Mei. Zhi Gan Cao
Formulas that Clear Heat and Transform Phlegm
Wen Dan Tang dizziness, vertigo, nausea, palpitations, anxiety, seizures, bitter taste in mouth
phlegm Heat causing constraint regulate qi, transform phlegm, clear GB, harmonize ST
Zhu Ru, Zhi Shi, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan coughing yellow, viscous sputum, focal distention/fullness in chest, nausea
clumping phlegm heat clear heat, transform phlegm, direct qi down, stop coughing
Dan Nan Xing, Ban Xia, Gua Lou Ren, Huang Qin, Chen Pi, Xing Ren, Zhi Shi, Fu Ling
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang focal distention in chest/epigast. pain on palp, yellow thick phlegm, constip., bitter taste
external heat + phlegm -> clumping in chest clear heat, transform phlegm, expand chest, dissipate clumps
Gua Lou, Huang Lian, Jiang Ban Xia
Formulas that Moisten Dryness and Tranform Phlegm
Bei Mu Gua Lou San cough, difficult phlegm expectoration, wheezing, dry sore throat
LU dryness injuring fluids moisten LU, clear heat, regulate Qi, transform phlegm
Bei Mu, Gua Lou, Tian Hua Fen, Fu Ling, Ju Hong, Jie Geng
Formulas that Tranform Phlegm and Dissipate Nodules
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang rock hard masses in center of neck, immobile, no color change, no ulcers
damp,phlegm Qi, blood, stag transform phlegm, soften hard masses, reduce and dissipate goiter
Hai Zao, Kun Bu, Hai Dai, Zhe Bei Mu, Ban Xia, Du Huo, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Qing Pi, Chen Pi, Lian Qiao, Gan Cao
Formulas that Warm and Transform Cold-Phlegm
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang fullness in chest/hypoch., SOB, cough clear-watery, dizziness, vertigo
congested fluids in epigastrium. warm and transform phlegm/congestion, strengthen SP, resolve damp
Fu Ling, Gui Zhi, Bai Zhu, Zhi Gan Cao
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang coughing profuse thin watery sputum, chest/diaphragm discomfort
SP yang def -> cold congested fluids warm LU, transform congested fluids
Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Gan Jiang, Xi Xin, Wu Wei Zi
San Zi Yang Qin Tang coughing/wheezing, copious sputum, focal chest distention, appetite/digestive prbls.
Cold in LU w/ food stag. direct qi down, relax diaphragm, transform phlegm, reduce food stag.
Bai Jie Zi, Su Zi, Lai Fu Zi
Formulas that Transform Phlegm and Extinguish Wind
Zhi Sou San coughing, w or w/o chills/fever, itchy throat
Wind attacking LU stop cough, trasnform phlegm, disperse exterior,
Jie Geng, Jing Jie, Zi Wan, Bai Bu, Bai Qian, Gan Cao, Chen Pi
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang dizziness/vertigo, headache, stifling in chest, nausea, copious sputum
Sp Def -> acum. damp -> wind-phlegm strengthen SP, dispel damp, transform phlegm, extinguish wind
Ban Xia, Tian Ma, Bai Zhu, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao
Formulas that Reduce Food Stagnation
Bao He Wan focal distention chest/epig., abd. distention, rotten-smelling belching, acid regurg.
food stagnation reduce food stagnation, harmonize ST
Shan Zha, Shen Qu, Lai Fu Zi, Chen Pi, Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Lian Qiao
Jian Pi Wan reduced appetite w/ difficult digest., bloating, water diarrhea
SP/ST def. + food stag -> heat strengthen SP, reduce food stag., stop diarrhea
Chao Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Ren Shen, Shan Yao, Rou Dou Kou, Shan Zha, Chao Shen Qu, Chao Mai Ya, Mu xiang, Chen Pi,
Sha Ren, Jiu Chao Huang Lian, Gan Cao
Zhi Zhu Wan loss of apetite, focal distention in abdomen
SP/ST def tonify SP, reduce focal distention
Bai Zhu, Zhi Shi
Formulas that Expel Parasites
Wu Mei Wan intermittent attacks of abdominal pain, vomiting after eating, irrit. chest/epi, cold hands/feet
round worms -> heat in ST, cold in Int. warms intestines, calms round worms
Wu Mei, Chuan Jiao, Xi Xin, Huang Lian, Huang Bai, Gan Jiang, Fu Zi, Gui Zhi, Ren Shen, Dang Gui
Fei Er Wan parasitic infection -> intermittent abdominal pain, indigestion, emaciation
parasites -> malnutrition kills parasites, reduces accumulation, strengthen SP, clear heat
Chao Shen Qu, Huang Lian, Rou Dou Kou, Shi Jun Zi, Chao Mai Ya, Bing Lang, Mu Xiang

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